Wunza – New dedicated movie torrent tracker (Gazelle based)

About a month ago we reported about Scenemovies, a new movie tracker using the Gazelle Codebase. Wunza is another band new private torrent tracker specializing in movies and TV shows. Just like scenemovies, Wunza is based on the Gazelle codebase and features a sleek, fast and informative user interface.

Wunza.ws is not an exclusive scene releases tracker. On the rules page it says “SCENE releases are allowed, but we encourage home rips”. Hopefully this should pave way for rare and quality content that is not available on other trackers. Movie torrents currently on Wunza include XViD compressed releases as well as high quality x264 encodes.

Currently Wunza has around 325 active users and 75+ torrents. Before you dump this tracker for the low number of users and torrents, note that it’s just around two weeks since they came online. As the tracker gets more publicity, these stats will definitely go up. There is a user limit of 5000 as well as an invite system in place. The following is from their forums:

By being a member on trading/invite sites you put your account here at Wunza as well as most other torrent trackers in danger. I'd like to start out by reminding everyone that trading invites to Wunza is strictly forbidden and will result in measures taken against you and your invite tree. This should go without saying that it's unacceptable on most sites in the BitTorrent community. Furthermore, you should not be offering invites to Wunza in public trading/invite forums, and especially not claiming that you have "unlimited."

So don’t expect to find a lot of invites floating around for this tracker on invite sharing forums.

We've decided to open sign ups for the length of the Halloween uploading contest. Tell your friends about Wunza, and enjoy the two week span by uploading and downloading some spooky movies

Instead of having to hunt for invites later, why not use the open signup period (Oct16th to Oct 31st) and to get into Wunza right now? This tracker definitely looks promising.


Site Name: Wunza.WS

Signup URL: http://wunza.ws/register.php

Categories: Movies, TV

IRC Channel: Invite only. Connect to irc://irc.wunza.ws and use the following syntax to get invited :

/msg Wunza enter #wunza username IRC-key

(where username is your username on the tracker and IRC-key is the key you generate from your profile)