Torrents.Ru - Russian private torrent tracker registrations open

First of all the good news; Torrents.Ru is the world’s largest private tracker. Yep. With over two million members and over 9 million forum threads, it beats any other private tracker in terms of stats by quite a margin. Now the bad news; from the signup page to the forum threads, everything is written in Russian language (this is NOT bad news if you are a Russian user). Google Translate can help you here if you are a non Russian user but the moment you login to the site translation will stop. You can browse the translated version of forum without logging in but to download the torrent you do have to log in.

Torrents.Ru, like many other private trackers index general content such as Software, Movies, Games, Music, Sports, TV Shows, E-Books and more. As mentioned earlier this is a huge tracker so the range of content is pretty much unmatched in any other private tracker.

Site URL: Torrents.Ru (Russian), Torrents.Ru (Translated from Russian to English)

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