Scenemovies and Wunza signups open– Gazelle based movie torrent trackers

We bring you news of two fairly new private torrent trackers with open signups. Scenemovies and are dedicated movie trackers based on the new Gazelle codebase. Both have made some rapid progress since we first reported about them a while back so here is a little update on these trackers.


Site Name: Scenemovies

Signup URL:

Description: Although only a few weeks old, Scenemovies has progressed from a fairly unknown private tracker to a well recognized movie tracker. The site now has a user base of over 3000 members and tracks 1200 torrents which include 1095 movies. Scenemovies allows user uploads and this is definitely one of the factors behind the success of the tracker; This tracker has some great non scene rips and is well worth checking out. Scenemovies will be open for new signups till 2nd of November and all Horror/Thriller movies will be on freeleech till this date as well. For more information on this tracker, read our previous post about scenemovies.


Site Name: Wunza.WS

Signup URL:

Description: Wunza is another promising dedicated movie tracker that is fairly new to the Bittorrent scene. More than 1000 new users have signed up at Wunza in the past two weeks alone. There is some work to be done in the torrents section and currently only around 100 torrents are online. But this number is gradually increasing and don’t forget that Wunza is a brand new tracker. The site is currently open for new signups and all torrents are on freeleech at time of this post. For more information on this tracker, read our previous post about

Don’t forget that both these trackers run on Gazelle which means faster navigation, smooth, informative and customizable user interface. We are also keeping an eye on Tehconnection. They will migrate to Gazelle anytime now and trust us when we say this;  you wouldn’t want to miss that. (If you keep reading FILEnetworks Blog, you would NOT miss that :P )