Elektronik.ro Shut Down

If you were a member of the popular Electronic music torrent tracker Elektronik.ro, here’s some bad news – in fact, its the worst kind of news that could be associated with a BitTorrent tracker. ELEK is shutting down and it’s unlikely that the site will ever return. A news post on the homepage cites ‘obvious reasons’ as the cause for shutdown – however, we’re not quite sure what those obvious reasons might be. The site did not seem to have any donation issues and it’s unlikely that they ran into legal trouble. However a bad hosting provider could be a fine guess as ELEK suffered from frequent downtimes in the past couple of months. Either way this tracker will be missed by it’s loyal members – this definitely was one of the best places on the net to find and download EDM (Electronic Dance Music).


Quoted below is the full announcement posted on site homepage:

a few days ago we decided to close elektronik, so here we are.
as you can see, all the torrents and torrents related content are unavailable.
forum and shoutbox are still opened and will stay like this for a while, so if you need to contact other users, now's the time to do it.
chances for elektronik to come back are very slim to none for reasons that were obvious in the last period.
that's about it.
thanks a lot for this great community.
thanks to all those people that helped us.
/elektronik staff (marrat, Sebi, derek, Eddie, frigideru, Lebe)

Although the site is currently online, most of the functionality has already been axed as mentioned in the new post.

Elektronik is one of the oldest private music trackers and has been online since mid 2005. If memory serves correct, the site tracked around 15000 active torrents before the shut down. It’s too bad the site won’t be around for it’s fifth birthday which would have been in just a couple more months. R.I.P. ELEK, thanks for the music.