Blackcats-Games – 500 More Referrals To One Of The Best Games Torrent Trackers

As we promised in a previous post, here’s our second Blackcats Games referrals giveaway. We will be giving away another 500 referral codes to our readers on a first come, first served basis. If you are a new visitor just joining us or if you somehow missed out on getting into BCG through our previous giveaway, you now have another chance to become a member of one of the best specialized games BitTorrent trackers on the planet. Blackcats-Games indexes and tracks video games for multiple gaming platforms including DOS/Windows PC, Playstation, PS2, PS3, XBOX, XBOX 360, Wii, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Android, iPhone and lots more. BCG is a closed community and for potential new members to get in, they need to be ‘referred’ by existing registered users – this is where our referral giveaway comes in.
UPDATE: We have received well over 500 requests. Please do not send any more emails – this giveaway has concluded. Please allow one week for the codes to be sent out.

Blackcats Games

In case you have no idea what this site is about, BCG tracks over 12000 active torrents of games for multiple gaming platforms, making it one of the largest games repositories on the net. Scene releases, non scene releases as well as unique member creations are available for download on BCG. The actual number of games indexed are much higher than 12000 as some of those torrents are ‘packs’ which usually bundle together several dozen games into one collection. After being online for ~7 years, the site has a very active community of gamers who keep forum discussions and comment threads alive while boosting the swarm speeds by seeding back files they grabbed. Since we discussed at length about the content and features of BCG in the previous giveaway article, we suggest you read that post if you seek more information or screenshots of BCG’s torrent index.

Before we continue with the referral giveaway, let us remind you that this is all made possible by stoi (SysOP) and rest of BCG staff – a huge thank goes to all of them for the excellent support given so far.

How to send the referral request

Referrals can be requested / sent back via E-mail. Before you send in the request, you need to prove that you have a basic understanding of how the Seed Points system and Hit and Run warning system functions on BCG (it’s not hard as it sounds). Please answer the three questions below and send the answers with your referral request email. Answers to all questions may be found by reading this forum post stoi made on FileSharingTalk (FST) forums.

  1. To receive Seed Points for a particular torrent, what is the minimum active time requirement you need to have on that torrent?
  2. What is the minimum individual ratio a torrent needs to have for you to safely stop seeding it (without getting it counted as a hit and run)?
  3. If you are seeding 5 BCG torrents at the same time, how many of those will receive seed points (assuming the torrents have fulfilled other requirements to earn seed points)?

Here’s how you need to send the referral request E-mail

  1. Address the E-mail to invites[dot]filenetworks[at]gmail[dot]com . Make sure to use an E-mail you usually check when sending the mail – this address will be used  when sending back the referral code.
  2. Set the subject to BCG 02 . Please don’t get this wrong as we use the subject to filter invite requests.
  3. In the message body, specify clearly your answers to all the questions mentioned above. Please do not quote the entire post and send it in – we only need specific answers.
  4. In message body, insert the link to your profile page of any private tracker you are currently a member of – for example . You do not need to have a massive buffer or an unbelievable ratio – not being a Hit and Runner and not being a collector would be suffice (please do not attach or send links to screenshots – profile link is what’s required).
  5. Send the mail. If you are successful, a response with a referral code will be sent back.

Note : Users from Egypt cannot take part in this giveaway. BCG does not issue new Referrals to 41.X.X.X IP range.

Note 2: Do not post invite requests as comments to this post (they usually go something like “hi, please email me a referral thx in advance” – comments like this would be deleted). The only way to get a referral would be by following the 5 steps mentioned above.

Use your referral before it expires

As discussed in a previous post, a BCG referral code expires after 6 hours. That means, you have to use the code within 6 hours since we generate it or the code would become invalid. This is a core function built into BCG’s referral system and cannot be changed. We will however try to minimize the issues caused by time zone differences, delays with E-mail sending/receiving, etc by giving both advance notifications and real time updates on the whole process. We will be sending out referrals in batches of 125. We will notify you via Facebook, Twitter and SMS before and after each batch of codes is sent out. More info on how to get notified may be found below:

  • Twitter – Follow us on Twitter and we will Tweet whenever we send out a new batch of referral codes.
  • Facebook page - ‘Like’ our Facebook page to become a fan of it. Then you will get an update on your FaceBook wall immediately after we send out referrals:
  • SMS – If you are one of our Twitter followers or a Facebook fan, you can receive SMS alerts whenever we post updates to those services (including updates on referral sending status). To set up SMS updates with FILEnetworks Facebook page check this article.
    To set up SMS updates with Twitter, read this post.
  • E-mail – An email with the code will be sent back to the E-mail account you used to send the referral request.

Please allow us one week to send out all the referral codes. This is not an automated process and we will have to manually verify the request, generate the referral and then send it to the requester via email. Needless to say it’s a time consuming process – and we all have enough Real Life & work commitments with very little free time.

If you didn’t receive a code after a certain batch of codes were sent out, don’t lose hope as you might get it in the next round. However do keep in mind that we only have 500 codes at our disposal and these will be served on a first come, first served basis.

What to do after you receive the referral code

Like many other areas of the site, BCG’s referral/signup/login system is very unique. Follow the steps below to use your referral code to create a new account:

  1. Visit
  2. TYPE the word referal into the search box (don’t change the spelling), without hitting submit or enter. Once you do, Email and referral code (aka referral link) text boxes will appear at the foot of the page
  3. Enter a valid email address (NO HOTMAIL) and code in the boxes given. Then submit.
  4. Check mail for link and proceed to signup page
  5. Fill in your details and submit. this will then send you a completion email and more importantly, the keyword.
  6. Back at you must type in the keyword in the search box. Username pass fields will appear at the foot of the page.
  7. Enter your credentials at the username, password fields and hit submit. Enjoy BCG

Again, special thanks to stoi for hooking us up with additional referral codes.

P.S- Thanks to everyone who posted suggestions on how this giveaway can be improved. We know we haven’t changed much but we’ll surely take your suggestions into count in future giveaways.