CoExist Re-Enables Inactive Accounts – Ratio Free Music Torrents

More updates from the BitTorrent scene – after the bitter shutdown of Elektronik a couple of days ago, this time we have a bit of good news. As you may know, torrent trackers automatically prune user accounts when they are not used for a certain amount of time (this time period is usually mentioned in the torrent site’s rules page). Pruned accounts are often not re-enabled unless the account owner gives a good reason – this has to be manually done through site staff. CoExist (CE), a ratio free private music tracker has taken a rather unusual decision to re-enable all accounts which were previously disabled for inactivity. If you joined CE sometime back and later abandoned it for some reason, now is a good time to revisit the site and have a look around. During the last couple of months CE has added many new features and almost doubled the size of their torrent index. If you are completely new to the site and want to sign up for an account, you can obtain an invite through their IRC invites channel as well.


Launched in February 2009, CE was off to somewhat of a rocky start – initially it was based on Gazelle codebase and there were numerous issues with this implementation. However, the site’s coders managed to turn things around (switching to TBDEV in the process) and today CE is a well customized private tracker with many additional features not usually found most other music torrent sites including the well detailed ‘fame’ bonus points system. Although the site has been closed for signup throughout it’s lifespan, it has a strong active community of 2000+ registered members. CE currently tracks 8200+ active torrents, up from 3700 back in last October. All of the torrents point to high quality English music, music videos and OST spanning across 40+ different music genres.

CE Index

As we mentioned earlier, a good reason for you to revisit CE is the addition of new usability features. Following is a summary of new features added to site – and this only covers those introduced during the month of May.

  • Further integration between CE Radio and tracker interface. This includes updated themes, ability to search the torrent index based on what’s playing on radio, search and more.
  • Tweaks to the torrent browse page. This includes new category icons, cleaned up index structure with less clutter, color coded torrents and so on.
  • New album reviews page - accessible from the little green icon in the upper right or from this link.
  • New music news page – accessible from here.
  • Artist Wiki – accessible from this location.

And let’s not forget the infamous bonus system over at CE. Ratio system on this tracker is more or less replaced by the ‘Fame’ bonus system. There are multiple ways you can earn fame (seeding, etc). Once you earn enough fame, you can exchange them for various goodies at CoExist Record Shop. CE Record Shop is far more advanced that the average bonus exchange present on most private trackers. Goodies found in the record shop are placed in four categories; Unlockables, Raids, Invites and Disk Space. Some of the stuff that can be unlocked include hidden torrents, invites and even seedbox slots.

If you signed up for a CE account earlier, you will now be able to use your old login to enter the site. If you were never a member of this site but want to find out more, a new invite can be obtained from their official invites channel.

Site Name (Login): CoExist (

IRC Channel Details:

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