PianoSheets Signups Open – Torrent Tracker For Sheet Music, Books, Tutorials & More

After an extended invite only period spanning across many months, Pianosheets (PS) have opened registrations to the public. PS is a very unique private tracker that indexes content not usually found on your average BitTorrent tracker. It tracks piano sheet music, tutorials, electronic books & books with audio plus other educational material that will probably be useful for all students of music. The site has been online for several years (see our previous post about PS made way back in 2008) and has a loyal user base making it one of the more active communities in the BitTorrent scene. It recently underwent a massive upgrade and is now powered by What.CD’s Gazelle codebase. If you are a musician or if you are a student currently learning/willing to learn music, chances are that you’ll find PianoSheets a pretty damn useful online resource.

Pianosheets 2

Last time we featured this tracker it only had 1500 active torrents. This amount has now risen above 6700. User base has also been strengthened and there are now over 4500+ active members registered on PS. For a niche private tracker that has been invite only during most of its lifetime, these statics are pretty good.

Like in most private trackers focusing on a niche category, content is king on PianoSheets. This tracker has some unique torrents you might not find elsewhere – piano sheet music as well as various books, educational material on a number of other musical instruments such as drums, guitar, harmonica, keyboards, organ, woodwind, etc are available for download. Magazines, lyrics, full scores, theory books, etc may also be found. A screenshot capturing part of PianoSheet’s torrent index and some of its torrent tags can be seen below:

Pianosheets Index TAgs

The ‘Collections’ section on PianoSheets makes it easier to discover related torrents. It’s a powerful usability feature that creates virtual torrent packs – something similar to ‘Collages’ found on most Gazelle based sites. This section is easily accessible from the top toolbar.

Signups for PianoSheets are currently open. This is the first open signup after several months so don’t hesitate to make full use of it. As said above musicians and music students should find this tracker useful.

Site Name: PianoSheerts (http://www.pianosheets.org)

Signup URL: http://www.pianosheets.org/register.php

If by the time you read this post signups have closed, an invite may be found on their official IRC invites channel

Server: irc.p2p-network.net

Channel: #ps-invites

Direct Link: irc://irc.p2p-network.net/ps-invites

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