DIDIDave Tracker (DDT) Now Has Open Signups

DIDIDave ( aka CDDVDHeaven.co.uk or DDT) is one of the oldest private torrent trackers currently online. It’s been around since forever and has continuously managed to impress it’s users with good pre times. DDT is a general tracker that indexes all sorts of content ranging from movies, music to latest games. We constantly get emails from readers asking for what tracker the abbreviation DDT stands for – apparently a lot of folks see it appearing on IRC tracer channels and web based tracers such as TRAC3.ME. In other words DidiDave frequently comes on top of pre time wars and torrent races (considered by many as a positive factor when it comes to 0day trackers). Anyways registrations are currently open and if you want in now’s the time to create an account.


With over 19000 registered users, DDT is by no means a small tracker. After years of being online it has managed to create its own small community of loyal members. As of 8/4/2010 the tracker currently indexes 3700+ (active) torrents including both scene and non scene releases. And in case you were wondering, yes they do make use of an autouploader bot for faster torrent indexing.

top tracer

DDT generally indexes almost all major scene releases. In addition, there is a considerable number of user uploads that are probably unique to this tracker – search for torrents starting with the name DDT and you will find some nice goodies here, such as those popular mid week MP3 packs.  Speaking of releases, DDT is one of those trackers that has multiple browse pages. Scene releases, user uploads, MP3/0Day torrents and free leech torrents can all be filtered using the top main toolbar itself.

As said earlier, pre times are one of the main attractions on DDT. It may not be as fast and as consistent as GFT or SCC but torrents do get indexed extremely fast here. According to web based tracer TRAC3.ME’s all time statistics, DDT is among the top 5 fastest trackers to have releases uploaded after they are pre’d on scene topsites.

Signups for DIDIDave are currently open. It’s a pretty straightforward process but you will not be able to use a free email account. Usually, the email account from your ISP should work fine.

Site Name: DIDIDave (http://www.dididave.com)

Signup URL: http://www.dididave.com/signup.php