Xtremetv – TV Tracker With New/Classic Television Shows & Retro Movies

We’ve seen the birth of several new TV torrent trackers in the last couple of months. Sites such as STR, BzT and BTN got a lot of popularity from BitTorrent blogs and forums and as a result managed to grow at a rapid pace (which is a good thing). However, there are new TV trackers that received relatively less hype but still managed to put on a good show both in terms of member recruitment as well as content gathering. Xtremetv is one such site – this relatively new TV tracker has emerged out of nowhere and has established itself a solid foundation in the BitTorrent community. XTV tracks US/UK/Canadian television shows that are popular today and at the same time they index a lot of classic, retro TV series & movies, offering its users plenty of variety in content.


In terms of visual appearance, XTV does not look anything special. It runs on a TS Special Edition tracker script and IMO has a cluttered UI and a bad color scheme (especially the top toolbar). However, looks are not this tracker’s strength – it makes up for the dated UI with a content rich torrent index and a strong user base; as of 21/3/2010 XTV tracks 1700+ torrents and has close to 7500 registered members. These statistics are pretty good compared to other new (and some old) TV trackers that are around.

Speaking of content, XTV tracks both new, modern releases as well as classic, retro stuff. This is something we don’t often see from TV trackers and it’s definitely useful from the user’s perspective. XTV has dual browse pages to support this content division – the regular ‘Browse Torrents’ button in the top toolbar will take you to the site’s main torrent index while the two menu options available under the ‘Special Browse’ button will take you to either the ‘Classic movies’ section or the ‘Classic TV’ section. That being  said, this is by no means a retro movies/TV tracker; majority of indexed content comprise of new series that are currently being aired or have just finished airing.  XTV tracks individual episodes, full season packs and complete series torrents (some pretty huge sized torrents too).

xtremetv index
Image: XTV’s torrent index showcasing some of its classic TV content

Some of the torrents in XTV’s index have special properties. These can be any one or all of the following

  • Free Torrent – The torrent is free leech. Only upload data is added to site statistics, giving  your ratio a boost.
  • x2 Torrent – This torrent has double upload enabled.
  • Fast Speed – This torrent has at least one webseeder. Except higher than average download speeds from these torrents.

A bonus points system exists on XTV – you can spend your bonus points to buy upload credits, get invites, remove warnings, fix torrent ratios or to get a custom title in forums. Each new users gets 100 free points and 5GB upload credit upon signup.

Signups for Xtremetv is currently open. If you are looking for a TV tracker that has a mix of old and new content, give this site a go.

Site Name: Xtremetv (http://xtremetv.org)

Signup URL: http://xtremetv.org/signup.php

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