Miro 3.0 – Video Player With BitTorrent RSS Support

Just a quick update to notify our readers that Miro has been upgraded to version 3.0. Miro (formerly known as Democracy player) is an internet video player that supports a wide range of video file types (HD formats included), streaming media, podcasts, a built in TV guide, web based video search and many other useful features. Additionally, Miro has strong RSS support and it has the ability to handle RSS feeds from BitTorrent trackers and download the .torrent files using its own built in BitTorrent engine – if used correctly, this feature can completely automate your TV torrent downloading. Miro is completely free, open source software and is available for multiple operating systems including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.


Miro 3.0 is a major upgrade over existing v2.5 installations. Some of the new features include a built in video converter and support for subtitles. It appears that v3.0 is better optimized and has better resource handling that it’s predecessor – the new version consumed less RAM and seemingly operated faster than v2.5 when we tested it.

Miro 3.0 retains the popular RSS downloading support which the application has become famous for. Thanks to the built in BitTorrent engine, TV torrent fanatics can program the app to automatically download select TV episodes. This way, new episodes of your preferred shows will automatically  be downloaded to your PC as they are released. You can find several free services that provide TV BitTorrent RSS feeds from this post.


As mentioned earlier this is free and open source software. It’s available for multiple platforms including Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

[Click Here] to download Miro 3.0 from official download page.

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