down, PTN set to return

As always, the past week has been a quite eventful one for the BitTorrent scene. New trackers were launched, several existing trackers were closed and some trackers that were down have begun to show signs of life. Through this article we hope to discuss about the recent downtime of, the return of PTN and the closure of RandomByes and SvartaKatten. And of course, if you know something we don’t, feel free to share the info by posting a comment to this article.

PTN set to return

Fans of this popular ratio free movie torrent tracker can finally heave a sigh of relief. PTN is showing signs of life after being down for several consecutive days. The tracker is already up and the site now displays the following notice:

PTN message

It’s about time folks, I’m already missing those movie packs!

R.I.P. RandomBytes and SvartaKatten

It’s never a good news when a BitTorrent tracker closes down for good. Unfortunately it happens once in a while and latest sites to join the private tracker graveyard are RandomBytes (RBy) and SvartaKatten. Both these trackers have seemingly shut down due to financial reasons (at least they were not sued). Following is quoted from RBY’s homepage:

The reason for this is, we were hit with a 680 euro bill for bandwidth usage. That is on top of the monthly server bills. All bandwidth was supposed to be inclusive. We have never begged for donations and won’t start now. Instead of moving I have decided to close. The site has become too much of a strain financially and mentally.

Part of the message displayed on SvartaKatten’s home page (translated) is also posted below:

It's been an honor to share with you.
Black Cat is hereby closed as of June 21, 2009.
It has been a very enjoyable time with much laughter, experiences and good movies! But everything has its time, and unfortunately, we had a couple of holes in the hull from the outset who did so that we finally took in too much water and sank.

If you want to know how these two trackers looked in the past, you can read our RandomBytes review through this link and SvartaKatten review can be found here. R.I.P.

TVTorrents.Com is offline

UPDATE: Great news. TVT.COM is back online. Reason for downtime is currently unknown. Something I just noticed is that their invites system has been re-enabled after being disabled for a while (don’t know if this is a glitch).

Original Article: TVTorrents.COM, one of the largest and most popular TV torrent trackers in existence, has been unreachable for about 24 hours. To make matters worse, the site’s IRC channel (irc:// has been down as well. Since TVT.COM has disappeared without a warning or an explanation, it’s users should no doubt feeling a little uneasy. Although this tracker suffered from several downtimes in the recent past, they were usually pretty short and the site came back up within hours. In almost all these cases the IRC server was never disrupted. Anyway let’s hope this is not something serious – we’ll update if when get any new info.