‘The Scene’ music BitTorrent tracker – Now a ratio free site

When browsing through the usual file sharing forums today, I came across several recent threads about TheScene.Ro music tracker (TSCN). Since this was not exactly a brand new torrent site, i decided to check what the renewed buzz was all about. Ever since we featured it for the first time last January, TheScene.Ro has apparently undergone several changes in the last few months,  One of the major changes is that the site has now become a ratio free tracker. In the meantime, TSCN has beta tested an automatic torrent upload script with some good results. Additionally, 3500 inactive accounts have been pruned and public registrations have been made available once again.

the scene

As you might already know, there aren’t many ratio free music trackers currently online (except for a few like CoExist) so TheScene could actually attract a few more users with this move. Although the need to maintain a specific upload:download ratio is gone, users however need to maintain a monthly minimum traffic requirement of 300MB. In other words, the sum of your total download and upload traffic for each month should exceed 300mb (ex- if you download 250mb and upload 50mb, you’ll still be fine).

A mass PM sent to existing users of TheScene.Ro explains some of the changes in detail:

The test period for the auto-upload script it's ended with success. In approximately 24 hours, there were uploaded more then 250 torrents, having great pretimes, being in front of the "big, specialized trackers" .

Another "surprise" of the staff team it's the new approach way of traffic measurement. From today, TSCN it's joining those trackers which have gave up at the "ratio system" ,hoping that we'll get rid of the "i don't have enough ratio to download" thinking.
The new system it's based on total traffic , and the counting of download + upload amount. For now , the only rule kept is that all users must make at least an amount of  300 mb / monthly , for not getting disabled .

*The upload is still free for POWER USERS .
*We expect to see opinions about this .

Sure it cannot match the torrent index of What.cd or waffles.fm, but TSCN is still a decent music tracker. As of 7/6/2009, this tracker has 5400+ registered members and tracks close to 1800 torrents. The site’s origins lie in Romania however majority of indexed torrents point to English music (audio and music video) releases. Below is a screenshot of part of TSCN’s torrent index:

the scene music tracker

As mentioned at the stat of this article, public registrations for TheScene.Ro are currently open (over 3500 accounts inactive for 90 days were recently deleted). If you want to check this tracker out, you can create a free account now.

Site Name: The Scene (http://thescene.ro/)

Signup URL: http://thescene.ro/signup.php