ReFuX – BitTorrent tracker for audio appz and music editing/authoring software

If you are interested in music editing/music authoring, here is a private BitTorrent tracker that you might find useful. initially began as a new audio production tracker based on Gazelle, which specialized in audio applications, music authoring tools and music editing software. It still tracks somewhat similar content to trackers such as Audiotracer, AZT and AudioNews but expect this to change soon. Site rules have been updated recently and now any type of Windows and Mac applications (not just audio related appz) are now allowed on


This tracker is about 1 month old (as of 29/6/09) and during this time it’s attracted close to 850 members. Close to 300 torrents have been uploaded as well. Download speeds seem to be generally good and if the notice on homepage is correct some of the torrents are seeded using a seedbox.

As for the content on ReFuX currently the tracker is full of audio related appz. However according to new site rules all types of applications are allowed: “we accept all types of applications for windows or mac as uploads, no movies and no music!". Refer to screenshot below to get a better idea about the content available on this tracker:

refux screenshot

At the time this post is being written, ReFuX is open to the public. However the current poll on the site hints about the site going invite only pretty soon (poll question is Should we go invite only at 1000 users? to which 80% of the responses have voted ‘Yes’) so if you are interested in joining this tracker, do it now. All new users get 2 free invites upon signup.

Site Name: ReFuX (

Signup URL: