SceneBytes – New Scene Torrent Tracker With Good Pre Times

Nowadays a dozen new General/0Day torrent trackers pop up every month it’s just not news anymore. Most of these sites have the same basic layout, same set of torrents and the same set of generic users. In a world populated by thousands of well established General trackers, this is just not good enough to stay afloat – majority of these new sites die out after a couple of months due to lack of activity, funding or internal disputes. However, every once in a while there comes a new general BitTorrent tracker that shows promise – and SceneBytes (SbT) seems to be one of those rare cases. SBT is a scene only torrent tracker – the site tracks almost every scene release that is considered non spam, and at good speeds too. We’ve already seen threads relating SBT to the legendary SceneTorrents (ScT) – these rumors probably have no truth whatsoever but the site does indeed have good pre times.

SceneBytes Logo

Even before a month into their official launch, SBT has already managed to secure a user base of over 3500 registered members. This is in fact a good number for a start up tracker that’s been open for signup only occasionally. Active torrent count at SbT currently hovers somewhere around 2500 mark. Since there is a healthy flow of new daily torrents, expect this number to increase rapidly.

As we mentioned earlier, this is a scene only torrent tracker. However, it does not index each and every scene release out there – only non spam releases are uploaded. In other words, you can pretty much find on SbT all popular movie, game, e-book, music and TV shows moments after they are leaked online. In addition to common uploads available on almost any other General/0Day tracker, SbT indexes some unique packs - some of these are visible in the screenshot below:

Scenebytes Packs

For those of you who are concerned about the ‘good looks’, you’d be glad to hear that SbT has a visually pleasing design. The site features a streamlined user interface with fast, smooth navigation. The default color scheme is easy on the eye and the layout is clean and uncluttered.

During it’s lifetime of ~1 months, SbT has been occasionally opening and closing open signups. They were closed during the past week or so but have now re opened registrations ahead of Christmas. If you are looking to become part of a new General/0DAy tracker, check this site out.

Site Name: SceneBytes (

Signup URL:

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