DVDTreasure & RoDVD – Two Untouched DVDR Trackers Open For Signup

This post will appeal to those who like untouched, high quality DVD5 and DVD9 movie downloads. It features two private trackers that specialize in these DVDR formats which are currently open for signup; RoDVD and DVDTreasure. Although both of these sites have been reviewed in detail here on FILEnetworks Blog before, there hasn’t been a mention about either one of them since 2009. Both trackers have undergone some changes during the past one and a half years so it’s time for an update – besides, these are not sites that are open to the public every day. Note that although RoDVD and DVDTreasure initially started out as DVDR only sites, they have now expanded to track newer Blu Ray releases & other high definition video formats as well.

A brief overview about each site is given below – if you need more information about either one of these trackers, we recommend you read the Full Review – full review has a detailed description on the sort of content you can find on a particular site as well as screenshots of its torrent index.

Site Name: DVDTreasure (http://dvdtreasure.eu)
Signup URL: http://dvdtreasure.eu/signup.php
Stats: 1700+ active torrents
Description: There are a lot of untouched DVD-5/DVD-9 and Blu Ray movie/TV torrents on this tracker. DVDTreasure has Polish origins but that doesn’t mean English speaking users should worry – there are plenty of English releases available as well (and an English language option for the UI is also available – click on the English flag on top left corner of logo).
Full Review: [Click Here]

Site Name: RoDVD (http://restricted-zone.org/)
Signup URL: http://restricted-zone.org/signup.php
Stats: 1400+ active torrents
Description: RoDVD is another untouched DVDR tracker that has been around for a while. The site has a unique user interface based on TBDEV core. There is a shut down countdown on site but we do not know what actually it refers to – it could probably mean the site is closing down in another two weeks time or it could simply be a countdown for going invite-only again? If you know additional details, feel free to share in comments.
Full Review: [Click Here]

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