PreToMe Invites Now Open Via E-Mail Application

If the number of PreToMe (PTM) invitation requests we have so far received is any indication, this news is obviously going to make a lot of folks happy. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that hundreds of our readers are waiting in line to get into PTM, easily one of the best General/0Day torrent trackers in existence today (Oh, and it’s *almost* ratio free – more on this later). We used to give away monthly registration keys for this tracker a while back but the last of such keys expired in April 2009. Since then, PTM has had only one open signup and has remained a closed community for more than a year. For the folks who still haven’t managed to get in, good news is that you can now request a PTM invite directly from staff via E-mail. This is an excellent opportunity for everyone looking to be part of a great general tracker. PreToMe has a massive torrent index which points to all sorts of content ranging from movies, music, games, books, TV shows, documentaries as well as a lot of HD video content.

PreToMe Logo

PreToMe started off its operations a couple of years ago, as a spinoff of FunFile (FF) tracker. However, today it’s no longer known as a FF clone – PTM has outgrown FunFile in many departments (amount of content tracked, number of active users, etc) and has established itself as an independent entity in the BitTorrent scene. The site currently has over 17000 registered members, an active forum with over 65000 threads and an overall seeder to leecher ratio of 36 : 1.

As for the content, PTM currently indexes 40000+ torrents (~37000 active) of all types and categories. You can find all major scene and P2P releases here, in addition to over 1500 releases unique to this site. A lot of high definition content is available, including True HD uploads as well as XViD HD/BRRip/BDRip encodes by groups such as NPW, FLAWL3SS, SANTi, ViSiON and more. The screenshot below captures some of the torrent packs you can find on PreToMe:

PreToMe Index

When it comes to ratio requirements, PTM has some interesting rules. Although not officially branded as a ratio free tracker, it almost functions like one. The site’s main ‘currency’ is credits (bonus points which you earn through various activities such as seeding torrents) and global ratio requirements are very lax:

  • You must seed back to at least our requirements of 60h total seedtime OR a 0.75 ratio on each and every torrent
  • Accounts with a global ratio of 0.05 and below may be put under review for seeding improvement or disabled

And if you can’t maintain a global ratio of 0.05 on any tracker, you should be banished from the world of BitTorrent for being a pure leecher :D

How to request for a PTM invite over E-Mail

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