SCC Back Online After DDOS Attack

Lately, we’ve been getting a shitload of E-mails asking what happened to SCC, the highly respected scene torrent tracker. The site was down for nearly a day and even their IRC server was not responding. Long story short, SCC suffered from a Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attack. This seems to have ceased right now and both the site and tracker, as it stands right now are back online. SCC hit several important milestones last week, including their 4th birthday celebration as well as the opening of long awaited SCC v2 to all user classes. The site also handed out at least one invite to each and every existing member – this was a timed invite and had to be used within 48 hours. Unfortunately, SCC went down before the 48 hour time frame was over and we are pretty sure many people could not use their invite due to the downtime. Either way don’t worry – the limited time on invites has been extended by yet another 48 hours.

A mass PM explaining the reason for downtime is quoted below (this was sent to all SCC members):

The DDoS attack on our site and IRC has ceased. The temporary channel on p2p-net is now closed, please join us on Due to the attacks on our servers, we have now extended the limited time on the invites to another 48 hours. We hope this time everyone can take advantage of the birthday gift. We apologize for the downtime, hopefully this was the last batch of trouble.
PS. If you have edited your hosts file, please remove the old IP addresses and let the DNS propagate.
We hope you'll still have a wonderful weekend. Love, Staff.

Some of you might wonder, what really prompted the DDOS attack. Well, it could be related to the recently pre’d SCENENOTICE regarding SCC – the notice, titled SCENEACCESS.ORG.P2PTORRENT-SCENENOTICE exposed IP addresses of SCC servers (which really wasn’t anything secret, after all) and pleaded the scene to help ‘take it down’. Quoted below is the notice, with personal information and IP addresses removed:

Just another tracker making dumps from scene using falow ips for this shits
[SCC URL] IP (XX.XX.XX.XX) - they use like master for dumps (can be a site or just a dump)
pls all siteops check this ips... if u have this ips linked on master/slaves or a user!
and help scene put this shit down
your site will be down soon! fuck you [OWNER NAME] (owner)
[List of SCC SysOp nicks]
by torrent hunters!

After all, this looks like another chapter in the seemingly never ending P2P vs Scene war. Has the DDOS been successful? Not really, coz if it had, SCC would not be up right now.