Torrent My Books – Public BitTorrent Tracker For Text Books and E-Books

The launch of a new EBook or a Text Book torrent tracker is always exciting news. Although there are several private trackers that are focused on tracking E-Learning content, there has always been room for more sites with similar content. It looks almost as if the gap left by TextbookTorrents a couple of years back is still left open. Torrent My Books (TMB) is a new site that could probably fill this gap – the site aims to index electronic versions of books and text books all in one place. Unlike most torrent sites we feature on this blog, TMB is not a private tracker. It’s rather a public torrent index which does not operate a BitTorrent tracker - .torrent files are hosted on TMB but it users external trackers (such as OpenBitTorrent or TPB trackers) to facilitate the downloads.

Torrent My Books

Launched on the 1st of Septemeber, TMB is a brand new entrant to the BitTorrent community. The site’s official description of itself (as mentioned in the FAQ page) is “Torrent My Books is a torrent search engine and indexer for all things relating to books. Our goal is to become the number one source for providing users with an endless supply of digital books”.

Although it hasn’t even been a week since the site’s launch, TMB has managed to pile up around 200 torrents, some of these packs and collections. The site appears to index a variety of books ranging from science, business, arts, chemistry, physic, mathematics, programming and even fiction and some comics. A screenshot showing several of the indexed torrents can be seen below:

TMB Index

As mentioned earlier this is a public tracker. The site supports both standard downloads as well as magnet links. Registration is not mandatory to download or upload torrents. Additionally, users are not bound by ratio requirements or hit and run policies (although it’s recommended that you seed back what you download).

Site Name: Torrent My Books (

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