PeerBlock – Block anti-piracy agencies and anti p2p organizations from accessing your PC

If you are a hard core torrenter concerned about privacy and security of peer to peer file transfers, here is a program that can cover your ass to a certain extent. Surely, you must have heard about PeerGuardian (PG) - a program that blocks undesirable IP addresses from establishing connections with your machine. Albeit a hugely popular app, there had hardly been any updates to PeerGuardian core app in almost two years. This is where PeerBlock comes in – it’s a fork of PeerGuardian 2 with lots of updates to the core application and not just the list of filtered IP addresses.


Developer description of peerblock is quoted below:

Peer Block is a new version (aka a "fork") of the popular Peer Guardian 2 software. It blocks "known bad" computers from accessing yours, for example governments and corporations. Peer Block maintains the functionality of the original Peer Guardian 2 program, but will include fixes for various Windows Vista / Windows 7 issues that remain unaddressed in PG2.

Note that although software such as PeerBlock and PeerGuardian does provide some sort of added security to your p2p activities, they should not be mistaken for all-in-one magical solutions that will shield you from all kinds snoopers. Always be on the lookout for prying eyes – don’t let a sense of false security fool you.


[Click Here] to download PeerBlock 0.9.2 (32-bit) from Google Code (Direct Download)

If you are new to this type of software, we strongly recommend you read the guide available online on the app homepage.