ChildBytes temporarily shut down

It’s always bad news when a tracker shuts down. It’s even worse when the said tracker is a niche site that served pretty rare torrents in the BitTorrent scene. ChildBytes, a private torrent tracker that specialized in kids content has temporarily closed down. Reason for shut down is not legal issues as one would imagine. It seems CB’s administration was fed up with the excessive hit and runs conducted by existing members of the tracker. The only good news available for fans of this tracker is that the shut down might be temporary. However there is no fixed ETA as of yet.

ChildBytes homepage ( currently displays the following message:

Due to high number of hit and runs the site have been temporarily closed.
There is no estimated time on when the site will be available again.
// Childbytes Staff

And all hits are directed to where a YouTube video titled ‘Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D’ is loaded.

If you were never a member of ChildBytes, you can see how it looked in the past in our recent review of the site. In the meantime if you are looking for CB alternatives, you might try the the following: