VIPMusic Tracker – First ever open signup, no invites needed

Big news folks. As we Tweeted earlier today, VIPMusic tracker has opened signup for the first time ever. If you don’t know what it is, VIPMusic is a highly sought after private torrent tracker specializing in scene released MP3 music albums. As you might already have noticed from various invite request threads on BitTorrent forums, this is not a very easy tracker to get into. Anyways this should be great news for English music fans as VIPmusic tracks a huge database of music torrents related to a number of different music genres such as Electronic, House, Indie, Metal, Industrial, Pop, Punk, Hardcore and lots more.

VIPMusic tracker logo

At a glance VIPMusic might look like a small BitTorrent tracker. This is only partially true - It’s user base is small when compared to other similar sites but the torrent index is not (registered user stats on the homepage are incorrect, btw). With over 25500 active torrents VIPMusic has one of the most content rich music libraries on the net.  

VIPMusic actually tracks torrents under 40 different genres which means it has something for every music fan. Most of the torrents are scene released material (by groups such as FNT, DV8, APOLLO, BCC, OMA, etc)  in MP3 format. This includes promos/advance releases. In addition to individual albums they have some awesome torrent packs which can be accessed via the ‘Collections’ menu. The following screenshot should give you a better idea on the content available on this tracker:

VIPMusic screenshot

This tracker has a pretty unique interface which I found to be quite user friendly. There are separate browse pages for each music genre and the torrent index itself has a clean look to it. VIPMusic boasts a good set of features such as the ‘Monitor functionality (You can monitor certain Artists/Groups and the tracker will alert you when new releases by them are uploaded), bookmarks, freebies (which are similar to freeleech slots) and requests.

As we mentioned at the start of this article VIPMusic has never hard an open signup before. A notice posted on site homepage explains why the floodgates were opened:

2009-07-22 - ViPMusic open for signup.
We've decided to open registration page for the first time. Unfortunately there are many reasons for that: there aren't enough snatches and very little percent of users seed good 95% of the releases what eventually causes many releases to die quickly, we're having a serious problem covering the servers cost (please take a look at the donation bar); These are the main two reasons.
The signup page is here. Feel free to spread the word around.
Also don't hesitate to discuss the issue in our Forum.
We would also like to mention that donations have been slowing down again since the start of summer. If you have any spare cash laying around please donate, and help this site continue.

Anyways we are not sure till when the signups will remain open. It’s always a wise decision to signup ASAP when you can still get in for free without begging for invites from strangers :)

Site Name: VIPMusic (

Signup URL:

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