eBookVortex E-Book Tracker– It’s still here!

At one point, eBookVortex was one of the most popular E-learning torrent trackers in the BitTorrent scene. It had an excellent torrent collection which included some of the most popular educational books in electronic form. However the site’s popularity began to climb down mainly due to the various lengthy downtimes and crashes eBookVortex experienced back in 2008. There were times the tracker and site were offline for about a week. And during one such lengthy downtime, they even lost the user database and torrent index completely. Anyway if you were a fan of old eBookVortex, the good news is the site is still here – and it definitely does not seem to be a ‘dying tracker’.

ebookvortex new logo

As we said above, at one point eBookVortex had to rebuild their torrent index and user database from scratch. They’ve done a pretty good job of it actually – as of 17/7/2009 the tracker has close to 900 active torrents and over 10000 registered members. There are plenty of new members signing up daily but the number of torrents being uploaded daily could definitely see some improvements (especially with other similar sites like PureTorrents adding thousands of torrents in a couple of months).

As the name suggests, eBookVortex is a specialized tracker for E-Book torrents. Bulk of the torrents indexed are educational content related to Information Technology, Programming, Medicine, Mathematics, Electronics and so on. However there are non-education content such as Magazines, Cooking, Food & Wine related books, Fiction, etc available as well. There are some E-book packs indexed as well. The following screenshot captures part of the torrent index of eBookVortex:

ebookvortex screnshot

eBookVortex’s interface pretty much remains unchanged. There are two stylesheets to choose from – the default skin and NB-39 (more colorful) skin.

This tracker is currently open for signup. If you are looking for a decent E-book tracker, eBookVortex is definitely worth checking out. And if you thought this site was dead with all the downtimes and crashes, you are dead wrong.

Site Name: eBookVortex (http://www.ebookvortex.net)

Signup URL: http://www.ebookvortex.net/account-signup.php