Torrent-Damage back online, TDv2 launched

Here is a quick update on Torrent Damage. As you may be aware, site and the BitTorrent tracker was down for about a week pending launch of TDv2. The upgrade is finally complete and the site is now fully functional. From what it looks like, TDv2 seems to be based on a customized version of the Gazelle codebase.

 tdv2 logo

The new interface has many pros over the previous layout. You can now order torrents and search results by seeders, date added, etc. In addition, forums and torrents searching has become much more accessible.

torrent damage v2

Currently there are two stylesheets to choose from (Light and Dark). The above screenshot is taken with the Dark stylesheet selected. A new set of category icons have also been added.  Apart from that the new layout looks sleek and navigates pretty fast. 

It’s indeed good news for existing members. If you are looking forward to get into this tracker, the only way in (as of now) is to obtain an invite. However, Torrent Damage is known to open signups from time to time. If it does indeed open public signups again, FILEnetworks Blog will definitely be updated with the news. Stay tuned.