‘Let Me Google That For You’ – Create animated Google search links

If you frequently visit online forums, you are bound to have witnessed fellow members (usually new and inexperienced members) posting threads and replies asking about stuff that’s easily discoverable by a simple Google search (i.e- Dude wtf is a torrent?). Usually, responses to these types of threads go in the lines of “Google it you fuc*ing noob ^@#&*”. ‘Let me Google That For You’ (LMGTFY) is a site that will help you give a more pleasant, sarcastic but a pretty useful response to useless and obvious questions.  

let me google that for you

The concept behind LMGTFY is somewhat similar to http://justfuckinggoogleit.com/. It however is a far more useful method and is not a rude one at that. Here is how it works:

1. You visit http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/

2. Input the search query you want the Google search to be created for. In this instance let’s assume it’s ‘FILEnetworks Blog’

3. Then press the ‘Google Search’ button. A link will be generated which will have a similar format as the ones below:

4. You post the generated link as the response to the noob question. When someone clicks on the link, he will first be shown a step by step animation on how to perform a Google search for the specified query. Finally he or she will be taken to the actual Google search results page for the entered query. Simple and sarcastic yet very useful!

[Click Here] to visit Let me Google That For You