Evil-Zone signups open

Evil-Zone is a private torrent tracker which tracks general content such as movies, music, games and TV Shows. This tracker has been online for about 2-3 months and has a user base of just over 100 members (at the time this post is being written). Evil Zone currently tracks ~1000 torrents and around 15-20 new torrents seem to be added daily.

evil zone

Torrents on this tracker are mostly scene releases. One thing I have noted about Evil Zone is that it has a lot of wrestling related TV torrents.  MMA related TV shows such as UFC can also be downloaded from Evil Zone.

Signups for this tracker are currently open and interested readers may join for free.

Site Name: Evil-Zone (http://www.evil-zone.org)

Signup URL: http://www.evil-zone.org/signup.php

P.S. – If you are looking for wrestling torrents, Pro Wrestling Torrents is open as well.