Limewire Pro 4.18.8 Final

We’ve been blabbering about private torrent trackers so much that any newcomer to file sharing scene reading this blog would think BitTorrent is the only means to swap files. Well it’s not an there are plenty of other means to do that. LimeWire is a file sharing client which can be used to access and share files on the Gnutella network. Since this software is coded in Java and runs using the Java VM, it benefits from the platform independence of the language (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux is supported). But if you are going to use LimeWire, make sure you have your firewall, anti virus and anti spyware apps armed and ready – Gnutella network has quite a few nasty malware floating around. As of 2/12/2008, latest version of Limewire is 4.18.8 (contains only minor changes over the previous build).


Developer Description

LimeWire is a software package which enables individuals to search for and share computer files with anyone on the internet. LimeWire is compatible with the Gnutella file-sharing protocol and can connect with anyone else running Gnutella-compatible software. At startup, the LimeWire program will connect, via the internet, to the LimeWire Gateway, a specialized intelligent Gnutella router, at startup to maximize the user's viewable network space.LimeWire is a tool that allows you to share files over the internet. Further, the most recent version of Lime Wire enables Group functionality, so that users can connect to other people interested in sharing the same kinds of files that they are.

Note: You will need the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to run LimeWire. JRE can be downloaded free of charge from this link.

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