signups open – TV show episodes, complete season packs download is a private torrent tracker specializing in TV shows (Don’t confuse this with, which is another larger TV tracker).  TvTorrentz tracks single episodes and complete season packs of many US and Canadian TV shows such as Lost, 24 and Heroes. This tracker is currently open so you can register yourself an account and begin downloading right now. The best part about the signup process is that you get a whopping 50GB credit upon joining. Yes, this tracker is based on a credit system – to download 1GB from TvTorrentz you need 1GB credit.

There are currently 3300+ registered users on this tracker. Tvtorrentz tracks over 1700 torrents at time of this post. Indexed torrents include individual TV shows episodes as well as quite a large number of full season packs. Some of these torrents are on fee leech – downloading will not deduct from your existing credits amount. Torrents on free leech are marked with a animated golden coin icon.

There are several other interesting features of this tracker such as ‘adopting’ season packs, bonus challenges and its interface (which is uncommon). We wouldn’t describe them here in detail as the site is currently open and you can get yourself an account to experience them yourself :)


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