Get live cricket scores right into your desktop with Cricinfo Widgets

I’m a die hard cricket fan but most of the time I don’t get the chance to watch cricket matches live or on TV. What I used to do was either to use Mobicast on my mobile or to have Cricinfo commentary page loaded while the match was going on. But only recently did I find out about their desktop widgets (and I bet many of you have found this by now) which deliver live scores right into the desktop.

There are basically two versions desktop widgets. Cricinfo Desktop Alerts for Windows XP users and Cricinfo Vista Sidebar for Vista users.


Cricinfo Desktop alerts

Get news, scores & wicket alerts from Cricinfo direct to your desktop, and add news feeds from other websites too. Available as a ticker as well as alerts. You need Windows XP in order to run this.

[Click Here] to download Cricinfo Desktop Alerts from Cricinfo official servers.

Cricinfo Vista Sidebar

Get the latest cricket scores, news and photos on your Vista machine. This is a Vista sidebar gadget and obviously you need to have the Vista sidebar enabled in order to run this.

[Click Here] to download Cricinfo Desktop Alerts from Cricinfo official servers.

There are several other web widgest aviable from Cricinfo. You may check them out at their Widget centre.