How to get a free BrokenStones invitation code - The Mac based torrent community

BrokenStones ( is undoubtedly the best private tracker specializing in Apple Mac based content. It is a must have tracker for anyone who uses a Mac. From rare Mac apps to latest Mac OS updates, BrokenStones has it all. However not many users are fortunate enough to be a member of the site. It rarely opens sign ups and even then the member count is capped at 5000. The only other way to get in by signing up with an invitation code. This post describes how you can obtain an invitation code for BrokenStones using their invite site Bswillyouinviteme.  Even the invite site closes down sometimes so we suggest you not waste any time while it's open and apply ASAP using instructions below.


To be eligible for an invitation request, you need to have an account on one of the private torrent trackers below and fulfill certain conditions:

  • Bitgamer
  • Demonoid
  • Elbitz
  • MetalBits
  • Revolutiontt
  • Torrent-Damage
  • Torrentleech
  • Underground-Gamer
  • TS-Tracker/Torrent Syndrom

Being a member of any one of the sites mentioned above will suffice. However your user account at any one of the sites should meet the following criteria:

  • No warnings
  • Member for at least a month
  • Minimum uploaded amount of 10GB
  • Ratio equal to or above 0.7

If you are eligible for an invite application, here is how to apply:

  1. [Click Here] to visit BrokenStones invite site.
  2. From the torrent site links at the bottom, click on the link of your chosen private tracker (you account there should meet the rules stated above)
  3. You will be taken to a login page. Login with the following details: Username: broken Password: stones
  4. You will be taken to 'send private message' page. Don't change the value in 'Recipient's name' field. In 'Message title' field, type a subject such as "BrokenStoens invite request' or something like that (PM won't be sent without a subject).
  5. In the body of the message, paste a direct link to your user profile ID of the private tracker you chose at step 2. This link usually looks like Note that including the last few digits of the link is essential. This link can be obtained by logging into your account and then clicking on your username on top left hand corner of the site (on most trackers). One you paste this link in the Message Body, click the 'send message' button below.
  6. If the BrokenStones staff like you, you will be sent an invitation code. This code will be sent as a private message (PM) to your user account in the tracker you chose at step 2.

Good Luck!