eBookVortex, ElbitZ & Free The Textbooks – 3 E-Learning Trackers Open For Signup

It’s been a while since we featured an E-Learning torrent tracker on this blog. Most trackers in this niche such as BitMe and BitSpyder are almost always closed to public signups. However, that doesn't mean E-learning trackers that have open signups are non existent. This article summarizes information about three such sites that are currently accepting new members without the need for invite codes. One of these sites, ElbitZ, is a pretty large tracker which indexes almost 10000 torrents – content on ElbitZ ranges from electronic books to test engines, test kits and even video tutorials for a number of different subjects. eBookVortex and FreeTheTextbooks on the other hand are smaller sites but track a lot of Ebooks (including text books) that aren’t found elsewhere.

Elbitz tracker 
Site Name: ElbitZ (http://elbitz.net/)
Signup URL: http://elbitz.net/signup.php
Stats: ~9900 torrents
Description: A long standing E-learning tracker, ElbitZ tracks everything from Ebooks to complete test kits, video tutorials, etc. Note that this tracker is not all about tech stuff; there is even content related to music, dating and languages as well as many other ‘general’ categories. Signups are usually open once a month.
Full Review: [Click Here]

Site Name: eBookVortex ( http://www.ebookvortex.com )
Signup URL: eBookVortex ( http://www.ebookvortex.com )
Stats: 31000+ users and 1650+ torrents
Description: This one used to be one of the best Elearning trackers back in 2008. However, several long downtimes and URL changes has set this site back but this by no means is a dead tracker. Although the daily influx of new torrents as somewhat stemmed, EBV still lives and tracks a considerable number of Ebooks. Read full review for more information.
Full Review: [Click Here]

Free The Textbooks
Free the Textbooks
Site Name: Free the Textbooks (http://www.freeetextbooks.com)
Signup URL: http://www.freeetextbooks.com/account-signup.php
Stats: ~1200 torrents
Description: Now that PureTorrents has disappeared without a trace, Free The Textbooks is one of the very few textbook trackers that are online. However, it doesn't look like this tracker has a bright future ahead of it either – only a handful new torrents are added every month and activity is not that great. Read full review for more information.
Full Review: [Click Here]