Can’t Access RevolutionTT? It’s Not Down – Try HTTPS

We’ve pretty much said everything there’s to be said in this article in the title itself. If you tried to access the popular private torrent tracker RevolutionTT (aka RevoTT and RevTT), you might find yourself redirected to WordLinker, apparently a social media site. Initially, it would seem the site was hacked by some script kiddies but the good news is that it’s not. First up, you won’t even notice this problem if you’ve been accessing the site over HTTPS – the redirection happens only when it’s accessed over HTTP. We are not exactly sure as to why it happens but there’s a simple fix for the problem until RevTT staff restore HTTP accessibility.


To fix this issue simply use the URL instead of to login to the site. If you have bookmarked the HTTP URL, edit the bookmarks to reflect the change. There is absolutely no harm in accessing a torrent site such as RevTT over HTTPS – HTTPS traffic is encrypted and is way more secure than regular HTTP. Only downside is probably the increased overhead due to key management and encryption involved. But in almost all cases this is barely noticeable. You can read a basic description of the two protocols here (used a snopes link as it explains everything in simple language without unnecessary complexity).

Special thanks to kayhaytha and everyone who emailed us about the issue.

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