TemplateP2P is useful private tracker for those who are into web designing. It does not matter if you are a student or a professional in the field, TempleteP2P is likely to track something you will find useful. From web applications to Template Monster templates, this tracker has a vast database of content related to web designing. TemplateP2P is a forum based tracker and has a user base in excess of 6000.
It's not everyday this tracker opens signups. In fact it used to have monthly signups but according to staff that will be discontinued. They plan to open this only 3-4 times a year, once this open signup is completed.
Signup URL: http://templatep2p.com/forum/index.php?action=register
- Applications
- PC Games
- Template Monster
- Boxed Art
- Joomla
- Others
- Stock Photos
- Graphics, Images, and Icons
- Scripts
- Fonts
- Photoshop Addons
- E-Books
- Tutorials
- WallPapers
- Audio/Video