Demonoid forums back online

By now you should all know that popular semi-private bit torrent tracker was resurrected from the dead after several months of downtime, back in April 2008. The site has since been functioning partially, with some features such as the forums being kept offline.

I dont know about you but i have very fond memories of Demonoid's forums from the good old days before shutdown. The community there was the most helpful I had met on a torrent tracker. The forums and the community must have played a big part in Demonoid's rise to top 5 bittorrent trackers in the world.


If you were part of this community, there is some good news for you. The forums are now back online in beta test mode and they will be fully launched in few more days according to Demonoid admins. The following message is displayed in the homepage:

"We are currently working on bringing back the forums.
They should be back online soon,
don't forget to visit!"

It has been online and offline during the past few days but seems to be working fine now.

You can access the forums using this link.


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