CopyThatFloppy Confirmation E-Mail Issues Fixed, Signups Open

We usually do not feature the same torrent tracker twice on this blog within a week but consider this an exception. Some of you might remember our recent post about the promising new software only torrent tracker CopyThatFloppy. Although the article received many views, it was badly timed; there was an issue with CTF’s registration system and many folks who tried to sign up ended up not receiving the account confirmation E-mail. Thankfully, this issue is now fixed and anyone who ran into problems last time should now be able to create an account without any issues. On another note, CTF has ramped up the number of daily uploads during the last couple of days and the site now tracks over 150 applications within a week since launch.

A new post on site homepage acknowledges problems encountered in the past few days:

First of all I would like to apologize for all the site problems that we have been experiencing. Testing the site revealed none of these issues. I am currently working on getting everything fixed. Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
The confirmation email problem should have been fixed. If you know people or hear of those that haven't received an email, please ask them to join the #help chan in our irc. If you received an email, but were manually registered, just ignore it.
IRC should now be working too. Tux has been restarted.
Thanks for being patient with all the bugs!

Some accounts were manually confirmed by staff – these users should not have any problems logging in. Some others may have received the confirmation E-mail at a later stage so double check your E-mail account before attempting to re-register. For any further assistance, log onto the CTF IRC Help channel which is located at irc://

In case you are reading about CTF for the first time, it’s a specialized private tracker for Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iPhone OS and Android software. For a detailed overview and screenshots of this tracker please refer to our previous review located here.

Site Name: CopyThatFloppy (

Signup URL:

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