TorrentLeech v3 – Bug Fixes & Improvements

Several days ago we featured an article on TL v3, the latest incarnation of the popular private BitTorrent tracker TorrentLeech. In a massive upgrade to the site, TL just about changed the whole user experience with a brand new visual style and a lot of under the hood tweaks. As it usually happens with new designs, not all of TLs’ users were pleased with the changes. While it’s impossible to satisfy everyone, there indeed were some nagging issues highlighted even by the site’s most loyal members, which were widely discussed on BitTorrent forums and blogs. Good news here is that TorrentLeech administrations seems to be listening to what their users have to say – in a latest round of bug fixes, they have addressed a number of commonly reported issues along with some usability improvements such as new category icons.

TorrentLeech v3

An official announcement of the recently implemented changes is quoted below (this was originally posted on TL homepage):

Bug Fixes and Updates

We just made several changes to our source code, fixing a few bugs and making some changes requested by many people including the following:
1) By popular demand, we added more category icons, one for each category (We thank TaeKz for this  )
2) We fixed a few bugs with Internet Explorer. The filter and category buttons on the Browse page should be functional now. If they still don't work for you, please refresh your page or delete your browser's cache so that you get the updated files from our servers.
3) We added a sort by date button next to the bookmarks button that appears when a search is active, so that you have the option to sort the results by date or score

With the addition of a sort by date option, consistency returns to TL search results. Their new search algorithm appeared to be ordering results by relevancy, which meant newer releases did not come on top. This wasn’t how it worked in the old codebase and those who wanted to find latest releases for a particular term were left disappointed. The new ‘Sort By Date’ button solves this issue and gives you even more flexibility in how results need to be displayed.

But that’s not all – another nagging issue with the category icons has been fixed. There were many complaints earlier on about new category icons all looking similar to one another – for example, BRRip, DVDRip, R5 and TS releases had the same icon and it was not easy to distinguish between them without reading the full torrent name. Thankfully, this has now been resolved with the addition of new icons, as you may see in the screenshot below:

TL Torrent Categories

A list of things yet to be fixed/in progress of being fixed was also listed by one of the site’s owners. Quoted below is an update by quark:

I have been receiving hundreds of PMs with "problems" that we gave instructions from Day One.
1) First of all. I will say it once more: Invitations and Signups are disabled temporarily. We will inform you when they are going to be available next week.
2) Secondly. If you feel that some aspects of the site are not working for you, then you are probably using Internet Explorer. Stop complaining and get a real browser like Firefox, Chrome or Safari. We said from day one that Internet Explorer does not work well. We will fix things in time, but not today, nor tomorrow.
3) RSS feeds will be available shortly after we finish some tests we run.
4) The Help button does not work, not because it is a bug, but because this section is being prepared. We will include documentation for all features of the site, including advanced options for the search engine.
We ask for your patience during this time, as it is a difficult transition for us, and our hands are full. We would like for you at this time, only to report problems and bugs, and don't waste our time with complaints about changes. Give us 2 weeks to stabilize the servers performance and fix the last bugs, and we will start making changes again and improvements according to your wishes.

For a site the size of TL and the nature of v3 upgrade, this is indeed a major transition (for a detailed account of TL v3 features and screenshots, please refer to this article). And honestly, the site looks and behaves much better since its initial rollout several days ago. Expect more bugs and glitches to be fixed in the coming days, and for those who still aren’t members of the tracker, we may have good news once their signup and invite system comes back online (we cannot confirm anything just yet). Stay tuned.

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