Dual Display Mouse Manager – Improve Mouse Movement Between Multiple Monitors

Nowadays a lot of people who work extensively with computers tend to use more than one monitor. According to my experience, having two monitors instead of one huge ass display can help you work smarter and increase productivity. Setting up multiple monitors on a Windows environment is almost a no brainer (provided that your video card supports it) - however there are some common gripes associated with this setup. One of the most common annoyances (for me at least) when working with two monitors is the speed which the cursor moves from the edge of one monitor to the other. For example when you try to access a UI control (i.el. scrollbar) located at the edge of the first monitor, you might suddenly find the mouse pointer had skipped the edge and moved to monitor no. 02. Thankfully, Dual Display Mouse Manager is a small piece of software that can cure this disease once and for all.

Dual display mouse manager

Dual Display Mouse Manager smoothens the cursor movement between monitors by inserting a small delay when the pointer approaches the edge of one monitor. This stops the cursor ‘skipping’ and makes it easier to work with elements closer to the edge of a display. You can customize this behavior using the app’s simple interface and tweak it for your liking – however I found the default values to work perfectly. Another feature of DDMM is the ‘mouse region jump’ – this lets you map the ctrl key to switch mouse pointer between monitors instantly.


DDMM is free, portable software and does not require installation. It however does require Microsoft .NET framework to function (which comes pre installed with most modern versions of Windows).

[Click Here] to download the latest version of Dual Display Mouse Manager from official download page