Private Torrent Trackers that are open for signup - 3/1/2008

We've decided to post regular notifications of private torrent trackers which are open for new registrations. Here is the first of such posts.

Note: Trackers mentioned below are open at the time of post. We cannot comment on the duration they will remain open. Chances are that Signups will close after a short while so register as soon as possible.

Following trackers are open as of 9.31 PM Sri Lankan Time, 3/1/2008

Site Name: RockBox

Site Name: SceneMachine

Site Name: Bit Reactor

Site Name:

Site Name:

Site Name: Torrent Storage

Site Name:

Site Name:

  • Signup URL:
  • Category: All
  • Australia based tracker which tracks a lot of Australian TV shows, movies and other torrents. Even tracks highlights of cricket matches which Australia takes part of.

Sharing is caring - EnJoy!