YouTube Grabber

YouTube is home to thousands of video clips of all sorts from all around the world. Users can upload, view, comment and rate video clips using this service. We know that many of you wanted to save some of the clips that you saw on YouTube. However YouTube doesnt allow saving content to hard drive. You had to go through the painful provess of browsing and viewing clips from within web browser. Here is a nice little application which allows ripping and saving of YouTube videos to hard disk drive or removable drive.

Download YouTube Grabber 1.1 from this link.

How to save videos using grabber:

1. Retrieve the URL of your YouTube video file from web browser.

2. Open YouTube Grabber application.

3. Paste the video URL into Grabber.

4. Click on 'Grab'. Wait for file download to complete. The video will be saved to the same folder where Grabber executable is placed.

How to play saved files:

The standalone player (Not the flash plugin for IE and FireFox) that comes with Macromedia (Now Adobe) Flash should be able to play these files. As most people do not have Flash, we'll post a simple program which will help you play files saved using YouTube Grabber.

Download FLV Player from this link.

1. Extract the file. Provide flasha as the password when prompted.

2. Run setup to install FLV Player to your hard drive.

3. Execute FLV player and drag and drop the downloaded video file to view it.
