GameCube Tracker – GameCube and Wii games torrent tracker

Here is a private torrent tracker you probably have never heard about before. GameCube Tracker (aka Joh’s GC Tracker) is a private tracker specializing in Nintendo Wii and GameCube games. It’s a similar tracker to nTorrents and is one of the handful torrent sites specializing in Nintendo games that are currently online.

gamecube torrent tracker

Although we drew similarities between GC Tracker and NTorrents, note that the user base and torrent index of GC Tracker is smaller than that of nTorrents. GC Tracker currently tracks around 600 torrents and has close to 10000 registered members. Make no mistake, these are still respectable stats when it comes to private trackers.

GC Tracker screenshot

Apart from full games for Wii and GameCube, GC Tracker indexes some extras, tools and emulators available for the consoles. There are some game packs available as well. One of the problems I encountered is that some torrents including few packs are left with no seeders (dead). However if you are a Gamecube or Wii games fan, this tracker is well worth checking out. Signups are currently open.

Site Name: Joh’s GC Tracker (

Signup URL: