Private Tracker Watch: FileBits signups open

Private torrent tracker is currently open for signup. It’s Slovenian tracker which indexes a lot of scene releases. Although the tracker is of Slovenian origin, most of the torrents it tracks are English. The interface however is in Slovenian language but even if users who don’t know anything about Slovenian should be able to find their way around. From what we saw from the download speeds and pre times, FileBits seem to be a decent general tracker.

Filebits tracks nearly 4000 torrents and has 9950 users at time of this post. This tracker has a user limit of 10000 which means there are only around 50 more spots left. If you want to become a member, we suggest you register ASAP as the signups will close once the user limit is reached.


Site Name :

Signup URL:

Signup page translation: As mentioned earlier the interface is in Slovenian. Here is a brief translation if you can’t seem to figure out which is which:



Željeno uporabniško ime Desired username
Željeno geslo Password
Ponovno vnesi željeno geslo Repeat Password
Prepiši zaščitno kodo Captcha
Email naslov Valid Email