Popular E-Book and E-Learning tracker eBookVortex is now accepting new signups. You can create an account for free (without invite) if you hurry.
Site Name: eBookVortex
Signup URL: http://www.ebookvortex.com/account-signup.php
Description: Has an excellent collection of IT related E-books. This will be an immensely helpful resource if you are an IR professional or an IT student.
- Platforms
- Linux
- Unix
- Microsoft
- FreeBSD
- General Developing
- C/C++
- Java
- C#
- dotNet
- Neural Networks
- Artificial Intelligence
- Database
- Oracle
- Web
- Perl
- VBScript
- Ruby
- Dreamweaver
- Javascript
- Graphics
- Photoshop
- 3DMax
- Maya
- Flash
- Networking
- VoIP
- Wireless
- Network Security
- Cisco
- Hardware
- O'Reilly
- General Books
- SciFi
- Science
- Psychology
- Financial
- Cuisine
- Medical
- Math
- Comics
- Magazines
- Business
- Roleplaying
Note: Site may seem slow for some users but keep trying and eventually it will load.